Cultivating Empowering Relationships (And Cleansing Toxic Ones)

“Shine the light of awareness on your disempowering beliefs and choose to substitute them with empowering beliefs. This way, you will choose love over fear and your path to purpose will become clear.” – Sharon Kirstin

I like the quote, but my experience is that often women aren’t even conscious of some of the beliefs that are contributing to a feeling of disempowerment.

Or, we may have insights into them, but have still chosen to play it small, disappear and not act on our needs,our wants, our bigger dreams and desires, despite being aware of the ways disempowering patterns are operating.

WE are holding back our own emergence process.

Why do we do this? FEAR, lack of support, not trusting ourselves, clinging to the familiar, rationalizing that it’s not “the right time”, or limiting beliefs about our worth and importance.

Those are only a few of the excuses we stay in in order to justify not making decisions, not taking actions,not committing to a bigger bolder and more extraordinary life.

The solution? LOVE. Love is the POWER that is bigger than our fear.

So if you’re feeling stuck, it’s important to ask for help and receive all the love you can so that you can move forward.

Having a supportive network, a mentor or some soul sisters on the journey are absolutely essential to crossing over into a new form.

One of the disempowering beliefs can be that we need to do it by ourselves.
Nothing could be further from the truth. We are relational beings. We heal in relationship and we grow in relationship.

Or if we are with toxic people, we become more wounded and we die a slow death. This can be very subtle over a period of time or quite obvious.

I want to invite you to do an inventory of all of your relationships. Which ones raise you up? And which ones drain the life out of you?

If you haven’t already done so, prioritize those people that have faith in you and encourage you to live your best life and become your true self.

Believing that you have the right to cultivate a healthy thriving network is an empowering belief and it’s a great place to start building the life you dream of.

Here’s a great way to start manifesting your “future self”. In the area of relationships. It’s a “neurogym” technique.

Try it, if you can relate to still being in toxic relationships.

You can try it with any area of your life. But here’s the basic format and in this case, we will apply it to cultivating empowering relationships:

So start with a quote of your past self:

“I used to believe I had to tolerate people that drained me and depleted me. I thought that that was being a good kind person or I was just so used to being around negativity, that I didn’t know there was another way.”

Now imagine your future self, even if you haven’t quite accomplished this yet.

Here is an affirmation to say:

“But now that I am living in my heart and love myself,I know I can choose to cleanse my life of all toxic relationships. And if I have to be around toxic people, I greatly limit my exposure. If I am exposed, I take time to cleanse my energy after being with them and re-align with my heart. I know longer let their energy cause me unnecessary suffering or disease.
I also take responsibility for my energy and commit to leaving every relationship in a positive frequency. And if I don’t,I make amends quickly.

I love feeling free to create the life I want for myself and be primarily with people that raise my vibration. I know that this will lead me to an even more abundant life and I get excited about what’s possible when I am with people that help me achieve my dreams! And I am committed to being that way with myself!”

You can try that technique with anything you want to attract into your life.

But starting with relationships is a great place to begin, since they are so critical to our healing, our well being and to our full blossoming.

Here’s to a relationship cleanse! And to staying in our heart power!😊