Cleanse, clear, release, let go

The message that I keep getting as I listen to so many women and grow myself is “cleanse, clear, release and let go.” We often cling to familiar thought patterns,behaviors,people and beliefs,even when deep down we know they are not serving our highest good and they are holding us back from our greatness.

Many of you have heard the saying that insanity is doing the same thing and getting the same results.

Our brains are wired to cling to the familiar. That need for safety and the illusion of security in the familiar ruts often keeps us stuck. Or we don’t believe enough in our brilliance, our worth and genius to take a step towards creating the life we are meant for and that we yearn to live. We start to settle and tolerate misery, which is so very sad.

So how do we transform ourselves and our lives? How do we rewrite our victim story and realize our sovereignty? How do we stay connected to our inner guidance and act in alignment with our future self that pulls us towards our joyful destiny?

The most important thing to do is to allow yourself time to DREAM and IMAGINE. Imagine your future self already realized. Try doing timeline jump and see yourself one, three, five or ten years from now.

She’s the one that’s already manifested your heart’s desire. She is the one who has ascended into a higher vibrational realm. She has transformed her suffering and her many heartbreaks into a message of hope, of possibilities and of love for others. EVERYTHING that she has experienced has helped her become an even more beautiful, compassionate and lover of humanity. Her transformed pain is now the catalyst to serve and help others still suffering.

What is she doing? What is she feeling? Where does she live? How is she contributing to the world? How is she prospering spiritually,emotionally and financially from living her passion and purpose? What type of people does she associate with? Who has she shed in her life as she has moved on and values herself more and more.Feel how high her vibration is. See how she flows through life with joy and ease. See how the struggles she has experienced have made her amazing person she is today. See the light she radiates and the power her vibration has to inspire others to live THEIR dreams.

Multiply the joy of being an inspiration with your deep love for yourself and for humanity. Feel into that feeling! THAT is abundance!

Place your hands on your heart and breathe in and out of your heart as you meditate on this divine self emerging. And allow yourself to smile and dream. If you decide to ask yourself these questions, I encourage you to use all of your senses and write down and record a vision of your future self.

I know I have mentioned this before, but I can’t stress enough that our brain responds to anything we imagine and feel. So let’s use it to our advantage and start creating our best life now. While the familiar pulls us backwards,into worry, fear and insecurity,negativity and doubt,our dreams pull us forward. That small voice inside that knows we are meant for more is divine truth.

Did you know that in your heart not only is their love, compassion,wisdom, light and power, but that also where we can connect to what is called the high heart portal?

When we are dreaming and imagining heaven on earth, we are actually in the divine playground and that’s where the miracles and manifestation happens.It is a portal of infinite possibilities and creativity where truly anything is possible. This is where most visionaries, change agents,artists and thought leaders live most of the time. And then they channel that to those that are ready to receive the message.
We can all connect with the high heart chakra.

But we must make space and time in our lives and in our hearts to be available to the divine whisper that calls us to live in that sweet spot in our heart.

I hope you create some sacred alone time and go into your heart and let yourself be in that high heart chakra. Don’t let anyone ever stop you from dreaming and then from taking action in alignment with your beautiful spirit.

Your divine potential is waiting for your yes. Not only will you radiate even more love and light for others to benefit from, you well be achieving your mission on earth.

You will know you’re on the path when your heart feels full, when it feels so right, and when you feel life flowing in every cell. You will bear fruit in your life. You will feel a peace that surpasses understanding and you are feeling inner freedom to be fully yourself that is so empowering and heavenly!

It is a journey, not a destination. I would imagine that most of us have had moments like this. But the truth is, it is not meant to be just a fleeting state and then back to survival mode.There’s no joy like being on that path of your soul’s purpose.

If you’re feeling disconnected from it, it’s because you’re more likely in the mind dominated survival pattern and are frozen emotionally. Or you are running from yourself and distracting yourself. You might be too invested in blaming others, fate and life and unconsciously attached to your victim story.

If you are reading this and feel that way, perhaps you can find someone to hold sacred space for you to let yourself be loved and thaw out so that you can begin to dream and live fully the life that is calling to you.

Sometimes others can help us see where we are getting in our own way and the gaps we need to close in order to achieve our goals. Remember you are unique and magnificent and worth devoting your life to your fullest blossoming!

Much love to you all!